Procrastination doodles.
9:25 PM
Too many cups of coffee and not enough productive sit down time with my computer.
I did absolutely nothing, and I'm kind of mad at myself for it. No
one was home and I had the house to myself, so I watched Netflix. I should have
spent that peaceful time writing, but of course I didn’t. I haven’t been able
to sit down and write anything for a while, even though I swear I’ve been
trying. I really have been. I end up staring at an empty document for an hour
before becoming too frustrated at myself. I spent the last week in West
Virginia, and It was okay. I got to visit family and a few friends. I’m stuck
in a point where I want to just pick up and do something with my life but I’m
finding it extremely hard because everything seems out of order and messy.
Perpetual stuck-ness is how I explain it. That’s what it feels like anyway.
That I’m stuck in one place and even though I see multiple doors to exit out of
I just sit around and drink tea and doodle mindlessly. It is so unbelievably
frustrating. Like, you don’t even know. I have so much stuff to get done before
I can even think about starting my life. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about sentences
and structure. It is difficult for me to form my incoherent thoughts into a
coherent sentence. I’m doing it right now. I’m not explaining this correctly. I
feel like I can’t put my thoughts into words and it’s hard to explain how I’m
thinking or feeling.
brain feels kind of fuzzy because when I don’t form coherent sentences from the
thoughts in my head they stay there and beg to be let out. It’s like……. God I
wish there was a better way to explain how constant it is. Like my brain is
constantly moving. Rotating a new thought. Recycling an old one. It is a
constant cycle.
I lied, something book related did happen today. I developed a new character.
And that was pretty cool.
is tonight’s doodles: