
7:04 PM

I just had to spend almost an hour getting re-acquainted with my book characters, and you know what that means. It means I'm slacking and not paying enough attention to my book. It means that I need to get back on track and remember what's important. And this book is important. It really is. I feel an intense need to get this story out. I love my characters. I can feel them settling back into their cozy little spots in the front of my brain. I can tell that they're about to get back to keeping me up at night because they never shut up.
I miss that feeling. I miss writing. I'm glad I'm back on track, and as much as I loathe to say it, I'm glad my main characters have so much to say. Even though it keeps me up at night, I've missed telling their story.
(my body does not miss the constant stream of caffeine I suck into it, though. More than usual.)
I'm going to work on this chapter and then I'm going to try to get some sleep. However unlikely that may be.

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